Built and designed on the East Coast.

How we started…

I started by just collecting watches. I loved scrolling through online stores, seeing what's out there. Being on a budget, I would buy a lot of used watches. As I scrolled through certain sites, I was confused at some things I saw. Brightly colored and often clashing watches, I hated them. It also took me a while to even realize these weren't OEM watches, and that's where I was introduced to the world of modding. My first thought was that I could do better.

A friend who works in the watch making industry gave me a crash course and some tools, and soon I placed my first massive order of parts. I was just looking to have fun and design something for me, but my thoughts took off on me and soon I had more watches built than I could possibly ever wear.

So... Faire Time was born. I hope you enjoy my pre-built collection. If nothing strikes your fancy, reach out to have something built that does. The beauty of custom watches is it can be anything you want it to be.

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